Poetic Justice - The Faces of Retribution is a murder or mystery genre written by a group of budding writers mentored by Desley Polmear. In the latter part of the book, the writers have written a few shorter stories on any subject they chose.
Read the article on Brilliant Magazine: https://www.brilliant-online.com/post/wauchope-author-desley-polmear-is-ready-to-release-poetic-justice
This book will be launched on Friday, 24th November 2023 10am at Port Macquarie Library:
Registration to the launch - https://mnclibrary.org.au/event/the-wauchope-friday-writers-group-author-talk-and-book-launch-stories-behind-the-storytellers/
You may contact Desley through this page (desleypolmearcreative.com/contact) if you wish to know more about this book.
Poetic Justice - The Faces of Retribution
Language : English